New Mexico Police Shootings & Police Brutality Attorneys
We Are Here to Protect the Rights of New Mexicans In Cases of Police Misconduct
From initiating violence against peaceful protesters to opening fire on unarmed victims, inappropriate and dangerous law enforcement tactics violate their victims’ civil rights. Most police actions do not call for violence. Poor judgement and implicit bias among cops lead to unnecessary injuries and deaths of civilians. Even worse, some police officers abuse their position of power, purposely harming those in their custody. Our police departments and governments have the power to prevent these transgressions. They must use it.
McGinn Montoya Love Curry & Sievers PA stands against police misconduct of all kinds. If you or a loved one have been seriously injured by police brutality, our team wants to help you find justice. We have taken on many high-profile cases and continues to fight for victories not only for our clients but for our state and nation as a whole. Let us help you file a police brutality claim to protect your rights.
Call McGinn Montoya Love Curry & Sievers PA at (505) 405-4441 for a free and confidential consultation. We have been helping New Mexicans find justice since 1985.
Police Misconduct Cases
In some cases, police misconduct may mean being pulled over without just cause. In others, it involves officers inflicting injury simply because they want to. Their victims can end up in the hospital or die because of this mistreatment.
We see it as our duty to take on police officers who commit extreme and flagrant wrongdoing against others. Our attorneys stand ready to file claims against any law enforcement officer who uses their power abusively.
Police Brutality
Police officers are allowed to use physical force to perform their jobs, but only when necessary and to the extent needed. Some officers make a habit of assaulting arrestees or suspects who are not resisting and pose no reasonable threat. Even without drawing a weapon, a police officer can do serious physical harm by using methods such as chokeholds. Police brutality can also include beating someone with a baton, using a taser without justification, or taking violent action (using chemical agents and less-lethal weapons) against peaceful protesters.
Police Shootings
Most police academies fail to provide sufficient training on community-oriented policing skills like decision making, impulse control, and conscientiousness. As a result, some officers reach for their guns at the first perceived sign of escalation, whether or not they are in danger. Police have fired on civilians who are mentally ill; children with toy weapons; people who run away from them; and other similarly un-threatening targets.
We are worried by the fact that New Mexico, in 2019, had more fatal police shootings per million people than any other state in the nation. Even when shooting victims survive, they are likely to need extensive medical treatment and may face a lifetime of disability or chronic pain. To be put in this position by police, regardless of one’s guilt, is unacceptable and counter to your Constitutional rights. Most victims of police shootings have a credible claim against the officer(s) who injured them.
Guns should be a last resort rather than a cavalier response to any suggestion of trouble. We are dedicated to helping the victims of police shootings file for justice.
Police Sexual Assault
Police have been known to sexually abuse and rape those in their custody. Violating someone’s bodily autonomy is always a crime. For police to use their position of authority to sexually abuse a civilian under their care is beyond disgusting. There is no possibility for consent when one party has the option to arrest or ticket the other. Any sort of sexual conduct or contact is assault—and law enforcement officers who commit this crime should be brought to justice and removed from their job.

We Are Here to Fight Back Against Abusive Law Enforcement
If you or a loved one was harmed by a police officer who violated your civil rights, you do have legal recourse. By filing a civil claim, you can hold wrongdoers accountable and win compensation to help you deal with the physical and emotional impacts of being abused. These cases can also remove unfit officers from duty.
Our team is here to help the victims of serious police abuse or brutality. We are strong litigators with a true passion for helping right injustices. Through the court system, we know we can make a real difference for people across New Mexico. We offer free and confidential consultations to victims of police brutality or other abuses that caused severe injury. If you want to know your legal rights, do not hesitate to reach out to us today.
Call (505) 405-4441 to speak with our New Mexico attorneys. We are dedicated to fighting for the victims of police brutality.